Visual Arts Hub (VAH), established within the Changi Prison Complex in 2009, serves as a transformative platform for male inmate artists, offering them a fresh start and an opportunity to redefine their lives through creative expression.
The Arts Behind Bars (ABB) programme, introduced in 2020, extends this initiative to female inmates, enabling them to acquire new skills and find their voice through art.
Many of our participating inmates began their artistic journey without prior experience. They develop their skills by learning from seasoned peers within the programme and attending art classes conducted by dedicated volunteers. The artworks created in these programmes are available for purchase, with proceeds supporting the Yellow Ribbon Fund.
Enabling ex-offenders to achieve sustainable careers, build cohesive families and lead positive lives.
To promote self-esteem and economic independence in ex-offenders while guiding them towards good citizenship and good value systems.
Throughout the journey from incarceration to reintegration, our throughcare approach stands out as a comprehensive and compassionate strategy designed to address the unique challenges faced by ex-offenders at every stage of their reintegration journey.
ISCOS is proud to be one of the founding members of the Community Action for the Rehabilitation of Ex-Offenders (CARE) Network, an alliance formed in 2000 dedicated to community engagement, coordination of aftercare efforts and enhancing service delivery for ex-offenders and families. We are also one of the agencies participating in the Desistor Network, a recent initiative by Singapore Prison Service.
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237 Alexandra Road #04-03
The Alexcier, Singapore 159929
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237 Alexandra Road #04-03
The Alexcier, Singapore 159929
“Having gone through the struggles myself, it is now my turn to motivate and support my husband, daughter, and brother in their battles against drug addiction. I am thankful to ISCOS for providing support to me all these years, including helping my husband with his current job search. In the future, I hope to share my story with other addicts to show them that it is possible to live a good life without drugs!”
– Shidah, an ISCOS Titan
Muru, our ISCOS Titan, was part of a year-long in-care programme to engage the inmates regularly.
Having clocked over 200 hours across 56 sessions conducted throughout the year, Muru went into Cluster B3 every week to speak with them, sharing his own story and experiences.
“I was very skeptical (of Project Resolute) at first, but gradually I found that Muru’s words and advice made sense. Today, I have a stable job, a supportive wife and moreover, I was the first from the group to be released so there is surely some positive peer pressure to make sure I do not fall back.”
– Firoz, a participant of Project Resolute in 2022.
“To me, the ISCOS support group is one of the programmes I treasured most because I get to meet people from different backgrounds, regardless of race or religion and make new friends who have all taught me valuable lessons that I find useful for my own recovery journey.”
– Mark, an ISCOS Titan who has been attending the support group since 2018.